суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.


b8ikm4rfv.ediindia12.ediots@blogger.com You may g.et tir,ed quicker t*han eve*rybody, else of th+e same age+ with you *if you have a_sthma.+ Never take anti+biotic-s prescrib_ed for another. person or sh_are y.our leftov.er drugs, with any,one. Painkiller's are +prescribed f.or pain re'lief, e.g. afte'r sur+gery and 'are only avail.able by p'rescrip_tion. Accordi_ng to th_e statistics -one out o_f th.ree adult Ameri-cans is o,bese. Think *of wha+t you eat. Thos,e nasty *kilos of f.at on your ass- is s'omething .that has' been really- irritating_ all the time_, babe! Obes.ity_ causes sign,ificant health _prob+lems. But .you are,n't in danger i+f your eating -mode is ,healthy! D_ifferent 'types of bac_teria sur.round -us everywhe.re all t-he time. It is ha_rd to avoi.d, infections. C.hildren f.ed soli-d foods too early* are likely *to dev.elop both re'spiratory' and fo*od allergies'. Knowin-g everything ab+out asth_ma and .its symptoms doe'sn-'t give a guaran+tee of prot,ecti_on. Asthma res*ults in ab-out ,three million los_t days of wo'rk each y-ear a.mong Americ_an adult's. How risky, is it for_ people wit*h food allergi'es to e*at out-? This arti-cle explores th*e risks a*nd hor_rors Not only ad*ults're af'fected by _ch*olesterol. Childre,n *may also have' high chole.sterol levels., No matte*r how, much y.ou have rea.d about asth-ma, it a_lways has somethin*g to su*rprise -you. Obese pe-ople* suffer every da+y not o.nly from t.he way t*hey look but from +nume+rous diseases! *If y'ou take medicine* late *you ma.y be in pain w+hile the painki,ller is a*bsorbed ,and st,arts to work. T-his *medication i.s for t-hose men who know _the ,true value' of good se,x and steady ere,ct*ion! Cholester'ol le.vels in chil.dren are lin.ked to three ri+sk -factors: her+edity, diet_ and obesity. _Remember*, re-ducing the amoun-t of, fat in your di_et helps .lower your bl_ood- cholesterol +level. The mo+st commo.n indoor/'outdoor al'lergy triggers, are: - tree, gra-ss and weed p*oll'en & mold s_pores. What is +obesity for 'you?. A myth or, your nigh*tmare? Anyw*ay, this arti*cle is .meant for- you, frie'nd! If you don't *w_ant to go u*nder the knife f'or a chan,ce of rest,ored potency,, try- this drug! Hi-gh b*lood chole.sterol is on'e of the major -risk factor*s for hea+rt di-sease. Learn_ more now'! It i_s a common 'myth that a chil*d wi'll outgrow his ast,hma. Neve,r stop you_r cou,rse of med_icine! E+veryone a-ge 20 & older sh-ould ha,ve their cholest-erol measu*red at .least o_nce ever+y 5 years. Super_b disco*unts for_ asthma medica*tions! Hurr-y up to *try a new tr,eatment for' your as_thma,! Recent resea_rch fi+nds that us+e of high--dose opioids .does not -significa,ntly increase ris.k of' death. *We need chol.esterol, but too+ much of, it can inc+rease o_ur risk of dev,elo+ping heart' disease. Forty* percent, of non-Hispa-nic Blacks_ a+nd nearly one ,quarte'r of Mexican Amer'ica,ns are obese. Do yo+u th-ink that size r'eally. matter's? What matters is _if you hav+e an+y erecti+on at all! E-ven with adva'nces in treat*ment, asth*ma -deaths am+ong young people *have ,more that doub.led. Antibio,t,ics have become 'part of our+ life _style, spe,cifically wh-en we. talk about heal.th issu.es. The,re're many effe.ctive painkil+lers' for all pai.n types & there-'s n-o reason .to suffer unn-ecessarily. A-pproxim+ately 3 mil-lion, children un_der age 18 yea,rs were repor_ted to h,ave a- food alle'rgy. Gosh! *Anyone can ge,t into an .allerg+y risk group'. Make su*re you know +enou+gh about antihistam_ines. Men. are_n't likely t+o visit h+ealth prof'essionals & -they ma+y miss chances+ to improve. their healt_h. Men _are less like+ly to vi+sit health .care p_roviders & they+ mi'ss out on 'chances to pr*event illness,. We offer -yo.u an unpreceden-ted op,portunity of' buying che,ap cholesterol, loweri,ng drugs! The. most* common indo.or/outdoor+ allergy trig.gers, are: tre,e, grass and ,weed pollen .& mo.ld spores. Ch.ronic al'lergies- are difficult t-o cure *but you can o'btain 'control over y-our allergy w,ith +this… Obesi*ty & overwe.ight often are- traced t-o gen_es, and the b,rain can _induce appeti-te te_ndencies. S.cottish s-cientist, -Alexander Flem+ing*, discovered th+e fir.st antibioti+c, penicil-lin, in +1928. By re_fusing pai'n medicat*ion, you can actua-ll*y be causing yo_ur body to cre-ate _more pain. Di_d you think _that your _alle-rgy is the m.ost unpl*easant? I'm sure -the*re more horr*ible react,ions. A,ntibiotic resistan.ce resu_lts from, gene 'action. I can t_ell you much m+ore_ about thes'e drugs! Aller.gic der'matitis -is the most 'common +skin condi,tion in chil'dren younger tha*n age elev+en. K*nowing everyth+ing .about asthma a,nd its sympto*ms ,doesn't give a gu.arantee o*f pr-otection. A rese-arch show_s that, 'certain fac,tors may ca*use th+e change-s in appeti'te and fat' metabolism., If you *are overwei-ght, lose w*eight. _Even a small wei*ght loss he'lps. lower your. bad cho'lesterol Not o*nly adults',re affect*ed by choleste,ro*l. Children* may also hav*e high choles_terol leve-ls.* Antibiotics do n'ot cure in*fections cau+sed by vir'uses and *should not ,be_ taken in these c'ase's. Scientists have_ f,ound that som*e foods- (as fish &- walnuts) _can help .control your +cholesterol.* Accurate .dosa'ge and doctor's *supervisio-n is vita-l in p,ain manage.ment! Act respon'sibly! .If you have be+en pr+escribed to- take painkille,rs yo-u'd bette,r read as m-uch literature* as y+ou can. Sprin'g aller,gies ki-ll nervous system-s of num*erous people e+very year., The* answer +is simple+! Asthma is' one of 3 com_mon causes .of chronic co,ugh in* children. +Be careful wi*th your ki.ds. If you -have been ,losi.ng the battle wi+th o-besity, i-t may be time. to consider _ba,riatric surger*y. Smoke is 'a powerful -trigg-er of asthma sy.mptoms,. Take 'care of the a.ir you breathe *in! T'wenty million, American- men su,ffer from -some form o.f erectile dysf_uncti+on. Are you' 1 of -them? Inflamm.ation, +mucus production, '& muscle' const+riction shr_ink the airw,ays if you 'have a-sthma. Nearly ,all c_ases of ast_hma-rela.ted deaths re,sult from' a lack of oxygen-, not fro'm *cardiac arre'st. Effectiv*e natural reme.dies for* asthma focu_s upon und.erstandi+ng root, causes -of the disea-se. People w,ho che.rish their sexua,l li.fe start impotence' treatm,ent b,efore problems occ,ur! +Your pen*is deserve.s a better life_! Make a g,reat gift -for it – buy 'our p'remium med.icine! Ho*rmones in a 'man's body a.nd other_ serious, life changes. may affect- a man's _level- of arousal. This_ inva-luable mix'ture of natural_ ingre'dients l'iterally works m.iracles on -impotenc*e! Do -you know any hom_e reme*dies or tri+cks f'or asthma?+ I can share s*ome great tr*icks +with you! I_t may take, longer .for men to achi'eve erec+tions & may *require direc_t _stimulati+on and forep.lay. In some cas*es, _erectile dysfun+ction ma'y be an ea,rly signal +of hea.rt or blood- vessel dise*ase. R.emember,+ reducing the amou+nt of_ fat in your* diet help,s lower yo*ur bl.ood cholesterol le.vel. Depre'ssion, bor,edom and o*ther reaso.ns often fo+rce p+eople to overea,t and th.erefore gain+ weight!* Your l-evel o'f obesity, o+verall h*ealth and motiva*tion deter_mine the t+reatm*ent methods you 'choose! Fin'd out- more about th*is practi_cal *guide to di'agnosing, treating,,. and living _well with f'ood allergies. -Th,e facts about _children and+ obes+ity are some of- the most s'hocking. Con+tact us to+ learn *more! .Studies show th_at men betwe'en th,e ages o_f 40 and 70 face ,sever-e probl*ems with p*otency. Asthm'a is not a- psychol_ogical c'ondition. Howe+ver, emoti-onal t*riggers can c.ause flar-e-ups. Chronic a.llergies ar,e difficul't to- cure but you* can o_btain control ,over y*our allergy wit.h t_his… You c*annot outgrow' asthma. The 'symp-toms, howeve+r, may reoccur a_nytim+e in adul.thood. What me.dicat*ions are avail+able t.o lower choles_terol, lipids,_ +and triglycer_ides? All ,info's here! Fig,ht+ing obesity reme*mber, that l-oosing wei_ght to-o quickl,y is no good*! Don't get' too k,een. Become on'e of t*hose hap_py men who ,solved th'eir problems w+ith poten_cy easily'! It's not clear,, tho_ugh possible,_ that overus,ing d-rugs incre+ases the ri.sk of a .fatal asthma .attack. S'ome health c*entr*es offer me*n's-specific h-ealth check.s, but the*y are not ,popular en+ough.. There are no cu.res for *allergies. Al_le+rgies can be man'aged wi,th proper preve*ntion .and tre,atment. A ma,n having an e-rection is *no_t necessar*ily ready *for sex. Our body, often plays' tr-icks on us. *The best t_ime to tak,e an antihistam*ine', which bl+ocks allergi-c reac*tions, is before *the a,ttack. Few _years in a_ new locat_ion, mak,e people se-nsitized to new, environment+ and, asthma 'returns. Twenty 'mill'ion American men s-uf,fer from some- form of* erectile dysfunc,tio+n. Are you _1 of them? Regu-lar exercis'e', like biki+ng or wal*king, can lower yo.ur kid_'s risk f-or cardiov.ascular+ disease. It is. vitally 'important for y_our heal_th to ,observe do*ctor's instruc'tions' when tak-ing painkill,ers. We *want you to .take control o+f your a.sthma_ symptoms and- live an act.ive life. H+elp *us now! Be realist-ic about ,sexual expec,tati*ons for yoursel*f and_ your part'ner. It_ is not always ide*alist'ic. If yo*u have been d'iagnosed* with asthma you- will have' to take a'sthm,a medicines 'regular+ly. Painkill_ers can cause n'aus-ea, apathy*, vomiting, and ,most' significantly, _respi'ratory depre'ssion. People- who take p.ainki*llers -must follow thei,r health ,care p,rofessional's _instructions c,aref-ully. When you+ eat_ more calories t'han ,your body can c_onsume you st'ar*t growing fat -or become_ obese. Ant,ibiot.ics must be taken f_or t+he full amou+nt of time _prescri,bed by your do'ctor. W,atch out! If y+ou live 'in a b_ig city and have _little chi.ld_ren you are at ri*sk of ge,ttin,g ill with some. allergy. .Pain re'lief medication_s as any .other drug a_re aimed +at imp'roving *your life and c-ondition. Th.ere are hun*dreds of ot-her as*thmat.ics. Stop s,uffering in sol_itude! Tak*e good ca.re of yoursel'f!* It is estimat-ed that about 1- in 1-0 adul*t males suffer+ from impoten_ce +on a long-term_ basis. Have yo*u eve'r trie.d anything more' effective- than thi_s brand-new sup'e*r effective an*tibiotic'? Long-term plan_ of *obesity treatm*ent thoroughl.y disc*ussed wit.h your d*octor can be' the be.st way! Wit+h all of the+ stories o'f food allergie.s swir*ling around in_ the pr.ess, you s,hould know th.e truth. S+ome s.tudies show t,hat bre*astfeeding decr_eases the .chances fo*r a child +to. develop fo,od allergies..._. We* need chole-sterol, but too m'u_ch of it can inc,rease our r+isk of deve_loping he*art disease.+ .If you want to ge+t rid +of obesi,ty changes ,in your eati-ng and a*ctivity habi+ts may not b*e ef+fective! Is pean.ut du'st on airplane+s and fr.om open bags, of pean+uts real,ly as danger_ous as the' press claims'? Fals+e positive res.ults o'f food alle'rgy skin te.sts can *lead to unne_cessary -dietary r+estrictions & d,rugs., If you have sev+ere pa-in you m-ay be giv,en a strong pain.killer, such .as morphin-e, st_raight* away. Men s*hould no-t attempt i,ntercours+e if they are' not in the. mood because ,it can a_ffect* potency.' Obesity is a d.isease ,that affects_ 34 pe_rcent of adults ag-e *20 and over in the. United St*ates. Wh-at makes +you wheeze' or cough? Wha_t i*s more important _is h-ow to s'top an asthma a+ttack!_ There is- no need to 's+ave' painkiller+s un*til you are. very ill or, your pain i-s seve-re. Use _them now!_ Narcotic +painkillers _decrease functi_ons wi,thin the* central nervo,us system. Us.e safe dru*gs! Even, if you ha.ve severe as-thma you n*eed to *exerc_ise regula*rly in orde,r to stay 'in good shape!' Your' blood cholesterol_ level ha+s a lo,t to do with y-our- chances of -getting hear.t disease... m-ore' Fighting obesity* i*s naturally exha-ustin.g! You'd be.tter eat a, hearty s-upper befo,re you go on d+ieting! It i*s* quite safe- to take your *pain r'elief drug for+ as l,ong as you* need to, i_f it is helping+ you'r pain. Is yo*ur weight-l+oss program eff_ective?. How mu-ch weigh't do you 'loose monthly? *Try a 'new method Survey's sh_ow that obesi*ty is a lea-ding c,ause of preve'ntable il,lness and dea-th in N-orth America+. La+rge amount of ,fat food & l_ack o_f activity in yo,ur life c-an cause* obesity. Time 't'o count calories?+ I have neve*r eve,n dreamt abou,t such *power and _sexual desire! _My wi.fe is absolute,ly happ_y. People t'end to ove*reat' all the t-ime and finally man.y of the,m become obe+se. Is it +your p*ath as well? 'Ex,posure to ci'garette smok-e and other. pollu*tants is a str,ong indicato_r of- increased .allergy risk. S_tudies show +that +men between the* a+ges of 40 and 70- face severe_ prob,lems with* potency. While -asthma s'ymptoms _can b,egin at any age., most c_hildren hav*e their first -symptoms b.y 5. ,Pain med,ications are. safe and ef_fective when_ used_ as directed. And. you shou_ld be v*ery careful!+ For su_ccessful an*d ongoi-ng treatment., take a'n active role' in managi+ng yo_ur chronic 'asthma. Disco,ver the s*pecial d'ietary tips you mu-st know i'f you have' an.y problems w.ith breathi,ng. Your a,sthma ,management- plan is suppo'sed to include* the med.ications us_ed fo+r quick relie+f! A new_ environ,ment may temp'orarily imp+rove asthma_ symptoms,_ but it wil+l not cure a_sthma. He.althy weig-ht is usu_ally achieve-d by *combining di,etary chan_ges and a-ctivity or +taking me,dicine*! In developed .countries, an'tibiotic*s are th-e 2nd most w.idely use.d class of _drugs after _an,algesics. -Asthma attacks ar,e usuall*y temporary 'an,d can be eased wit+h medicat_ion, ye*t, there is 'no cur'e. Erecti+ons occur during n'orma+l, nightly sl_eepi,ng. These erecti'ons ar*e not related+ to e'rotic dreams. Co+lds, inf*luenza *and coughs a,re caused by v-iru.ses not bacteria,' so' antibiotics wil,l not help. *All t-he secret.s of ultimate' masc+uline power and p_otency a+re reve_aled in 'one series of, letter's! If it is you _who depe.nd on seasona,l allergy t.h_an it is high 'time for yo-u to try o-ut our ,new drug! Ast*hma is not a. psych'ological cond_itio,n. However, emo-tional tri_ggers can ca'use flar-e-ups. *Many painkill.ers c.an cause addiction,- so i+t's important -to follow- the instruc*tion+s carefully. I,f y+ou live in a big+ city a,nd have littl*e childre+n you are at 'ris+k of getting ill w'ith so+me allergy. V*irtua'lly all' types of antib'iotics -act only on repl*icati,ng bacte_ria. It c_an be tricky somet'imes+! Each year, a+llergie+s account f*or more tha'n 17 millio*n outpatient, of,fice visits, oft.en in sp'ring &' fall Each y*ear, allerg-ies acc,ount for more tha+n 17 milli-on o+utpatient offi*ce visits, of-ten in *spring & fa-ll If you're, tire+d of counti,ng every si*ngle c,alorie, try 'out our n'ew obesi-ty treatment me_dication. Th*ere is a d_elicate *balance of *billions -of bact'eria in,side our digestiv*e tract. Ge_t pre-pared! Th.e life expecta+ncy for' mild asthmat+ics is the sa,me- as for those +who do not hav*e asthm_a. It' is important 'to let_ the doctor' know if your *pain' comes back bef*ore th+e next dose is' due. Say H*I to *long night f,ull of sex a-nd passi.on! This +medicatio_n will cha'nge everything_! Cholestero+l ris.k factor is a con-dition t-hat_ increases you'r chance of g,ett'ing a heart dis_ease. Could th'e next cra_ze be,- quite literal'ly, nuts+? A study c+onc_luded tha,t nuts lower -choleste,rol. Discover t_he special *di_etary tips. you must 'know if you have' any pro-blems with brea,thing. Why_ sho-uld I wo+rry about' extra wei_ght if I'm slim a'nd bea,utiful? Obesit-y will n*ever come? renal ,disea'se sporanox To_prol XL _(Lopresso,r, Seleken, Sel.okeen, M,inax, Betaloc+, Co_rvitol, toprol, m*etopro.lol) conjun-ctivitis exe,lon. Himcospaz _[himcospaz] e.ffexor anad.in ibuprofen, Riv*er Blindness ,pred'uctal Mest,inon (Pyridostigmin.e Bromi'de, Re+gonol) Be.nadryl — Allergy,, -Hay Fever, _Common Cold,, Sneezing, R+unny _Nose, Itchy Eyes me*salazine+ Hai'r Regrowth Ma-legra FXT (S*ildenafil' + Fluoxeti*ne) — Pr*ematur.e Ejaculation' avalox hi_ves Gas lasix a'ceon Gly.buride (-Glibenclamide,- Daonil*, Diaben, Ame'cla'din, Apo-Gli-benclamide, Be_nclamin', Betana.se, Betane*se, Bevoren-, Calabr+en, Clamide, Daon,o, D_ebtan, D+iabitor, Dib,elet, Euclamin, E'u*glotab, Euglucan-, Euglucon, .Euglu,sid, Gilemal', Gliban', Glibedal, Gli'ben, Glibe-nclamid, Gl-) Flurbipr'o'fen Eye Drops (O.cufen) ,VPXL — Erectile -Dysfuncti+on, Male En,ha,ncement, Erectio*n mrsa Vi+agra So+ft Tabs (S-ildenafil citr.ate+) Vasodilan Intesti+nal P.arasite_s Sciatica hypoth+yroidism A*scar'iasis singular. celebrex Vi+ama-x — Erect,ile Dysfunction, M+ale Enhance_men*t, Erecti.on, Impotence tiot*ropiu-m zinace,f septra- FML (fluoro+metholon_e) Intimax -[intimax] uri'calm Tr+ikatu bay'er asa aspir+in erect_ile dysfunction* Triamcinolon_e. Oral Paste_ — Mouth Ulcers An'xiety ca_lcitri*ol Kytr.il (granis'etron) Seb*orrheic De*rmatitis *Amalaki *Zovirax — Herp*es Labi+alis, Cold Sores, *Herpes ,Zoster, S.hingles, Genit+a*l Herpes, Chi-cken Pox, -Keratitis di_lantin hiconc'il bonviva' cong-enital adr,enal hyperplas_ia finaster_id ivax Cl-omi*d (Clomif_ene, clomiphen+e, Clomifer*t, Ser_ophene, Milophene)* Prop,ecia [p,ropecia] (,Finasteride, Prosc.ar+, Fincar, .Finpecia, F*inax, Finas.t, Finara, F,inalo, Proste*ride, Gef*ina,_ Finasterid IVAX, 'Fi.nasterid A-lternova) Vento_lin [ven_tolin]+ (Albutero*l, Salbutamol, V-entorl_in, Asthalin_, Prov'entil, ProAi.r, Salamol, Aer*olin,, ventolin ex*pectorant) I-mmunomodulat*or 'Casodex — Prost.ate Cancer .pink ,viagra Mus,cle Sprains -Gerifor*te Glaucoma ech+inoco-ccosis ad'alat Classic* ED Pack (Vi+agra+Cialis+Le+vitra) — *Erecti-le Dysfunct-ion, M.ale Enhanc*ement, Ere.ction, Impotence, Ava*pro (Irbesar.tan, Aprove-l, Karvea) Kam.agra *Oral Jelly — Erec+tile Dys*function,. Male Enha_ncement, E,rection, E+D, Impotence .Thread_worm gliben V-igR*X — Erectile Dys.functi,on, Male 'Enhancement, Er,ection,, Impotence He+rpes, Labialis di.bertil Vantin *(Cefpodox'ime) Gen'tamicin +— Antibiotic, +Bacte.rial Infecti*ons norlev*o Prolactinoma N+ason,ex (Mometas+one furoate, -Mometasone) + Fungus Ac_to-nel [acton_el] (Risedr+onic aci*d, risedronat'e sodium, oste-oporos.is, Avest-ra, Norsed, Opti+nate, Oste,oclax, O.steonate, Rib*astamin, ,Ris'ofos) Irregular' Heart Rhythm_ compoz *Nausea Ana-l Fissures 'adefov-ir dipivoxil *Mel*atonin — Insom,nia, Sleep, Sle_ep Aid. Folic A,cid (Vitamin _B9) (fol.acin) Par-lodel — Hy+perprolac,tinemia, Acro-megaly, Pa*rkinson's -Disease, Am_enorrhea, ,Galactorr_hea, Hypogon.adism tegase*rod retin-,a- atopic dermatit,is in do+gs Nephrotic Sy,n'drome Prilose-c [prilosec] (-Omepraz+ole, A*ntra, Losec) Solia.n — A*ntipsychotic-, Psychosis_, Schizophre.nia, Bipo.lar Disorde'r, Mania, D+epression,* Dys,thymia _Tendinitis Hy'drea Benadryl. (diph*enhydramine, al_er-*cap, aler-dr*yl, aler-tab,' alle,rmax, altary*l, anti-his_t, banophen, b*en-tann, 'compoz, derm-amy+cin, diphen, d,iphenhist, dyt'a,n, genahist,. histaprin_, hydramine, ny*tol*, siladryl, silphe.n, sleepi*nal, s_ominex,+ unisom, twilite,, alle,rdryl, alle) Ce_faclor — I'nfec.tions, Antibiotic*, .Pneumonia, Meni,ngitis bac_terial vagino,sis, Hypoplastic +Anemia Antihi*stamine- sunthi Hy_drocort'isone Cream (.Locoid Lipocrea'm, Locoi,d, U-cort*, Pandel, Nu_Cort, -Cortai*d Sensitive* Skin w/Aloe, Ke'ratol HC', Quality C'hoice H*ydrocortison+e, Medi-Co_rtisone Max+imum 'Strength, Cal,decort, Medi-Fi*rst H.ydrocortisone,- La_naCort Cool Crem'e, Cortaid+ Maximum St_reng.th, NuZon, +CortAl) Fusid*ic Acid, (Fucid-in, Fucithal-mic) of,lodura vastar'el Minipress. (Prazosi_n, Vaso'flex, Hypovase) b-enadryl pe*nis- enlarger k,olkisin traz,orel Nymphomax+ Diab,econ (di*abetes_) Shigru vert-irosan' licarb Hangover *Pills _Mentat* Pills — Memor*y Improvemen+t, Cog'nitive Enh+ancement hu_man growt_h hormone N_ephropa,thy Cefotax_ime — Infections,, Antibioti.c, Menin*giti+s Hepatitis a'sentra STDs Ty.phoid F+ever voveran St+erapred, — Allergy', Chronic O'bstr,uctive Pulmonar+y Di-sease, Psoriasis, *Ulcerative +Colitis, .Arth'ritis, L'upus, Addison's Dis+eas-e norsed androst+enone am*ikin Ov+ral G — End,ometriosis-, Menstrual I+rregularitie-s .Evista (Raloxif'ene) ber.ylliosis ca*botrim 13 +Tramadol -(Adolan, Anado-l, .Contramal, Dolol,+ Do-lzam, Dromado'l, tramadal, Ix_pr,im, Ralivia, Tra*madex, Trama,l, Tri-dural, Utram,, Ultram .ER, Zamadol', Zyd.ol, Zytrim', pain, u,ltracet) 1.5*1% Hereditary A.ngio.edema Traveler's_ Dia+rrhea Hypoth-yroidism+ ExtenZe — Male' Enha_ncement lor.fast E Effex+or' (Venlafaxine, E.fexo+r) Sporanox (Itra-conazol+e, Semper,a, Orungal, It_racon, I+sox, Candi*tral, Ca,ndistat)' ibuprofen ,fougera Yaz (Cris*anta L_S) (drospiren,one, eth_inyl estrad.iol) , Bipolar Dep+ression 'Gasex — Dyspepsi'a, I,ndigestion-, Gaseousn_ess, Flatulence,- A+yurveda cialis, fenofibrate 'pantelmin